Wednesday, September 29, 2010
News from Alaska: Standoff over cat
So every once in a while I like to check in on Alaska. It is near and dear to me after living there for 5 years. Lately news about my old home state deals with some Palin related incident but today one of the headlines on the Anchorage Daily News was about an elderly lady, her cat, and her gun. Let me digress here for a second. I remember seeing a bumper sticker once while driving around Anchorage. It read "Alaska, Where the men are men and the women are too". Crazy old cat lady's are pretty hardcore up there too, apparently. Anyhoot, this woman's "standoff" at the senior center brought in the SWAT team. For reasons unknown the press did not go into detail about why she was upset about her cat. All we know is that she was upset about her cat and then proceeded to get what must have been, Mad Max on her neighbors. She got so Mad Max, they called in the SWAT team. Everyone ended up alright though without injuries when the lady had to take her medication and fell asleep. True story. You can read the article here.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Halloween Choices for tweens. Ho or pototo sack?